The Byrds get a Guitar Score of 20 with Mr. Tambourine Man Share on X

Below is an excerpt from Volume 3 of “Number One with an AXE!” It’s a song-by-song look at the guitar’s role in all of America’s #1 Billboard hits. (And it’s a LOT of fun!)

“Number One with an AXE! Vol 3” sells for $2.99. It releases 6/15/17 and is available for pre-order at: smashwords, amazonkobo, iBooksbarnes & noble.


Mr. Tambourine Man, The Byrds, 6/26/65, 1 week at #1

Riffage 10, Rhythm 10, Fills 0, Solo 0; Total Guitar Score: 20

Jingle jangle! Just like that, the guitar landscape widens and folk-rock takes center stage. Bob Dylan wrote this song, but the Byrds gave it a glorious, shimmering guitar arrangement (not to mention excellent vocals).

Innovation Alert! Three cheers for Roger McGuinn (who went by Jim at the time) and his 12-string Rickenbacker: his rhythm track on this song remains stunning to this today.

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