1975-79: One Nation Under a Guitar Groove
How deep is your groove? Guitar roles in #1 songs 1975-79 Share on X“Number One with an AXE! Vol 5” sells for $3.99 and isĀ available at:
smashwords, amazon, kobo, iBooks, barnes & noble.

“Number One with an AXE! A Look at the Guitar’s Role in America’s #1 Hits, Vol 5, 1975-79” $3.99 March, 2019
Disco dominated the Billboard music charts in the late 70s. If you love guitar–especially rhythm guitar, and especially rhythm guitar used to lay down sick grooves–there’s lots to appreciate.
In Volume 5, Michael Rays takes to the multi-colored dance floor and rates the #1 hits of the late 70s based on four criteria: Riffage, Rhythm Playing, Fills and Solos. As always, he includes a brief commentary on each song, as well as providing video links (when available, which is most of the time) so you can watch/listen to each tune.
This ebook is a must for guitar fanatics who also love pop music!